*P*toDisk 3.2--a shareware program--is a combination INIT and FKEY that is compatible with Finder, Multifinder, and System 7.0. It is an upgrade from the previous version 2.2 which offers several additional features.
*P*toDisk 3.2 Features (an asterisk indicates a new feature for this version)
1. Diverts Prodigy PRINT/COPY data to up to five destinations simultaneously.
2. Allows adding to existing files as well as creating new files.
3. Allows access to an unlimited number of files during a Prodigy session.
4. Is small and fast.
5. Is compatible with Multifinder, Finder, and System 7.0
6. Is always there (no need to remember to run a DA before logging on).
7. Offers a "type-ahead" option to speed up Prodigy access on older Macs.
8. *Allows upload of TEXT files from disk into Prodigy messages, bulletins, and replies.
9. *Offers keyboard equivalents for all *P*toDisk dialog box functions.
10. *Allows user selection of the owning application for all newly created files.
Installing *P*toDisk 3.2
NOTE to *P*toDisk version 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 users: the two versions will not work together. Before installing *P*toDisk 3.2, use Font/DA Mover (or your DA handling utility) to Remove *P*toDisk version 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2.
NOTE to *P*toDisk version 2.2 and 3.0 users: the two versions will not work together. Before installing *P*toDisk 3.2, completely de-install *P*toDisk version 2.2 or 3.0.
1. Install the INIT named *P*toDisk
Drag *P*toDisk into the "System Folder" on the startup disk you use with Prodigy. If you run System 7.0, note that the INIT must be in the System folder, NOT the Extensions folder. However, if you use an INIT handling utility, consult its documentation for installation details.
2. Install the FKEY found in *P*toDisk FKEY
The FKEY, which comes set for command-shift-9, can be installed in one of the following ways.
(a) Suitcase II or other FKEY handlers/installers -- Many are available on AOL and other BBSs. Follow the instructions for your installer. Note that the *P*FKEY usually must have an ID between 5 and 9 to be accessible from within Prodigy.
(b) Resedit -- [Note: if you feel uncomfortable using Resedit on your System file, you should use another method to install the *P*toDisk FKEY instead of Resedit.] Copy the *P*FKEY FKEY from *P*toDisk FKEY and paste it into the FKEY resource of the System file on the startup disk you use with Prodigy. You may want to change the ID of the FKEY (using Get Info) before copying it from *P*toDisk FKEY if command-shift-9 is already in use on your MAC.
3. Choose Restart from the Special menu
You must "Restart" your MAC so the *P*toDisk INIT will run.
Using *P*toDisk 3.2
After you signon to Prodigy, *P*toDisk will allow all of Prodigy's PRINT and COPY data to go to your printer as it would were *P*toDisk not installed. To change this, invoke the FKEY you installed above.
The FKEY will cause a dialog box to be displayed. The first time you see the dialog box in a Prodigy session, the box for "Printer" will be checked and the boxes for the four "**available**" file slots will not be checked.
To OPEN a file, click on one of the buttons "Create new file" or "Extend old file." If you want to create a brand new file, click the "Create new file" button (but see "Owner for new files" below). If you want to add data to a file which already exists, click the "Extend old file" button.
As a result of clicking one of these two buttons, you will see a box which will allow you to choose the file. If you clicked "Create new file," you will be expected to type the name for this new file (after selecting the desired folder). If you clicked "Extend old file," you will be expected to double-click on the name of an existing file in some folder on one of your disks. Only files of type "TEXT" will be displayed for you to choose from. After you enter your file choice, the box will disappear and the *P*toDisk dialog box will again be visible. The name of the chosen file will appear in the topmost file slot, replacing "***available***." Its check box will be checked automatically and if this is the first file you have opened in this Prodigy session, the Printer box will be automatically unchecked.
You can choose up to four different files in this way, to be open at the same time, and by clicking on the checkbox(es) of any combination of the four files and your printer, can direct the PRINT/COPY data wherever desired.
You can CLOSE any of the four open files by clicking on the "Close" button to the right of the file's name. When you click on a file's "Close" button, that file is closed, and the file slot will display "***available***." You can then open another file in that slot.
The file produced by *P*toDisk is a "vanilla" text file, with a carriage return (hex 0D) following each print line. New files created by *P*toDisk have a file type of "TEXT" and a file owner of "EDIT" (but see "Owner for new files" below). "TEXT" files extended by *P*toDisk retain the file ownership they had before they were opened. When Prodigy sends print lines with trailing spaces, these spaces are removed before the line is written to the disk file. All word processing applications should have options to allow opening text files.
Note: *P*toDisk is driven by Prodigy printing to your printer. If you check the Printer and file(s) boxes, but your printer is not powered on, *P*toDisk will not write to the file(s). If the Printer box is unchecked, *P*toDisk will write to the file(s) whether or not the printer is powered on.
Uploading Prodigy messages, bulletins, and replies
A file to be uploaded must be a TEXT file containing only letters, numbers, signs, and carriage returns; tabs will be ignored. Only as much as will fill 6 Prodigy pages will be used of a file, the rest will be ignored.
To upload a TEXT file:
1. place Prodigy's cursor where the first letter of the file should go.
2. open the *P*toDisk dialog box
3. click on Upload TEXT file
4. open the file you wish to upload, a beep means file-too-big, or file empty
5. The file will be inserted into the message, bulletin, or reply. All pages and overlapping words will be handled automatically.
6. To ABORT the upload, press any key on the keyboard.
1. The mouse works while the file is being uploaded. Clicking the mouse will reposition Prodigy's cursor and therefore the data being uploaded.
2. If the file being uploaded contains more data than can fit in Prodigy's six pages, the extra data will be ignored, and *P*toDisk will beep to tell you that some data was left out.
3. You will get best results if you save the file you intend to upload as plain TEXT, not "TEXT with line endings."
*P*toDisk's type-ahead option changes the way Prodigy treats your keystrokes and mouse clicks, making Prodigy a little more Mac-like. When "(type-ahead is off)" is displayed in the top right corner of the *P*toDisk dialog box, Prodigy will "forget" any keystrokes or clicks that you did before Prodigy finished its previous activity. If you click on "(type-ahead is off)" it will change to "(type-ahead is on)" and any keystrokes or clicks that you do before Prodigy is ready for them will be saved and presented to Prodigy when it is ready. When "(type-ahead is on)" you can type/click one or more screens in advance. For example, if you want to look up the article on "music" in Prodigy's Encyclopedia you would type:
J [return]
encyclopedia [return]
music [return]
If "(type-ahead is off)" you must wait after each [return] until Prodigy has completed displaying the response screen. If "(type-ahead is on)" you can type everything continuously, and Prodigy will receive each command when it is ready. *P*toDisk retains your type-ahead setting through multiple Prodigy sessions.
Warning: Macros created with QuicKeys without type-ahead will probably cause problems when used with type-ahead on. This problem does not occur with MacroMaker.
Owner for new files
As *P*toDisk 3.2 is shipped, any new file you create with it will be owned by the program "Edit." This means when you double click on the file, your Mac will look for an application called "Edit" to launch in order to display the file. If you would like to change the application that is launched when you double click on a new file, click on the text in the dialog box which says "Owner for all NEW files" or on "Edit." This will open a box to let you choose your preferred application. Double click on it (e.g. Word, WriteNow, MacWrite, TeachText, etc.) and the dialog box will then show your choice. From that point until you change it again, all new files that you create with *P*toDisk 3.2 will cause that application to be launched. This feature has no effect on files you extend nor on any other "old" files.
Dialog Box Keyboard Equivalents
All dialog box functions can also be invoked from the keyboard:
c or C - Create
e or E - Extend
o or O - change Owner for new files to be created
p or P - toggle Printer check box
return or enter - OK
t or T - toggle type-ahead
u or U - Upload
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 - toggle check box for file 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
Command+1 or 2 or 3 or 4 - Close file 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
B E E P S ! !
*P*toDisk communicates error conditions by beeping at you. The meaning of the beep depends on what you or Prodigy are doing when it happens. Following is a list of times when *P*toDisk might beep.
1. System Startup time--*P*toDisk was unable to get enough system memory to initialize. Contact me as described below.
2. Before Prodigy Sign-on Screen--*P*toDisk was unable to get enough memory to initialize. This should only happen on 1Meg MACs or with Multifinder. For Multifinder, increase Prodigy's memory allowance (add 50K) in its Get Info window. Otherwise, contact me.
3. When you invoke the FKEY--This could be the same problem as number 2 above. It can also be caused by running Prodigy off of a different disk from the one your Mac used to start up. If you don't run Multifinder or have already increased Multifinder's Prodigy storage, try adding a second copy of the *P*toDisk INIT (which is in your System folder) to Prodigy's folder. Otherwise, contact me.
4. While PRINTing or COPYing--*P*toDisk ran out of disk space to write the PRINT or COPY data. If you press the FKEY, you will see that *P*toDisk has unchecked the file which ran out of space. It is recommended that you CLOSE that file (and optionally open another one on a different disk). It is probable that the last addition to that file is incomplete.
Your comments and criticisms are welcomed and will be consulted for enhancements and corrections to future releases. I can be reached on Prodigy as VFDN48A, on America Online as Restemeyer, and on GEnie as W.RESTEMEYER.
If you decide to keep and use *P*toDisk 3.2, please send $10 to: